The Spirit of Passage: Taming the Spirit Beast!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Just tamed her on Greymane, about 845pm central time. I was about to log and decided to make one more trip around the zone just in case. I was spamming the macro and what do you know..There she (or he, w/e it is) was. Just a little northwest of Nesingwary's camp. Good luck!

7:06 PM (CST)

Someone shot him down on Malestrom after the server reset.  Thought he might have spawned on our server around the same time.  No dice from what I saw though.    On the other hand...that was right on time for the six hour theory.  Now if only if I could get mine...

4:00 PM (CST) 4/28

No sight or sound of Loki yet.  Just been sitting here watching tv waiting for that Magical ding.  Been camping this spot every hour since I woke up yesterday at 8 am. If he spawns here today, he will be mine.

2:00 PM (CST) 4/28

Optimisim takes a turn for the worst.  Haven't seen Loque in days now.  No sign of him, no real word of him.  I'm pretty sure Alliance keep getting him.  I hate the language barrier sometimes.   Three alliance chicks have come by to show off their pretty new spirit beasts.  Each time it makes my heart sink more and more.

When is that blasted feline ever going to come join the horde?  I know mine will.  He'll love every ominous minute of it.  From spreading the plauge to killing sick deer. *gives a weak "For the Horde!" then sighs*

Guild mate Lazriel is determined not to let me give up.  Very sweet notion, especially since she's been in the Shango area since saturday every time she's logged on.  Now that's a good friend.  Equally as determined to help me out. She deserves 400g whether she finds it or not.  Maybe she'll get a present in the mail from me once this pretty kitty shows.  Perhaps a 100g to the warlock and shaman that have been keeping a constant loyal eye out for me while farming too.  Just as a thanks for being nice enough to help and for being good company.

I crave company right now.  Its so lonely up here. *Sigh*  And Loki seems to be extremely shy.

Ah well...

You'll get him day or another.

1:12 PM (CST) 4/28

Servers are back up and so am I.  It'll be a while but I'm still here in the bones with the birds, waiting on that pretty little grassy knoll.

Unsucessful with Servers Down until this afternoon

No luck. Turns out my instincts failed me.  No taming Loki...

Maybe this afternoon after the servers come back online, although I feel I'm going to be swamped with hunters looking for him.

Oh well...we'll see.


Good night for now everyone.  At least I can get some rest.

3:38 AM (CST) 4/28

Got three people out of six swoopin and snooping the area for me.  If he spawns I have a good chance of getting him.  Its semi encouraging save for the fact that I have no idea when the last spawn -really- was.

I'm feeling a bit discouraged about tonight.  Hope is failing me.  Maybe tommorow when I have time I'll get lucky ((Loki))?  Bah.

Still here, same spot, still waiting.

2:48 AM (CST) 4/28

Got everyone in the zone looking chatting about him now.

Guy claims a buddy of his killed Loque about three hours ago.  I believe it.  Right on time if that's the case.  Damn might have missed him again.  Oh well, not my time yet.  Though three hours means he could spawn any moment

2:20 AM (CST) 4/28

Going into spawn time again.  Still nothing. Maybe I'll get lucky this time.  Same spawn point, haven't left since 8 am.  

Eventually he has to show up.

This is what I get for persuing him at level 76

Monday, April 27, 2009

1:27 AM (CST) 4/28

I've been camping for endless hours,
Just talking to the game.

They say I've been driving crazy,
and its keeping Loque away...

So just give me one good reason.
Tell me why I should stay.

Cause I don't want to waste another moment
Waiting on things that never come my way...

So I...
wait for just a little bit.

hold on tight and watch till ten.

been waiting for a chance to tame you in...

If I just waiiiiiiit
let you come and find me.
oh no don't you come and find me.

every hour of the day,
no way...

Everything is all right..

If I just wait...

But it seems all so over-rated
Not seeing you not once.

So you end up watching chances fade..
and wondering what left...

12:47AM 4/28

Calender reminder "Loque begins in 15 minutes"

... Ha    ha    ha.

Yeah.  If only it were that easy.  Silly reminder nearly made me jump of my skins thinking one of my addons had gone off.  No dice though.  Least it woke me up some.  I'll be here all night.  After all I'm busy tomorrow, this is my last chance until Wednesday. 

C'mon Loki, I know I'm not hunting you.  Am I really that tough to track down?

...The search continues. Still in the same spot, bird and bones camp. :P

Hang in there'll get him some day.

11:43 Update 4/27

Still no loki. Been getting help from an awesome Shaman who's been keeping me company and sane.  Nice to know there are people out there who can feel my pain.  He's even spotted (and killed) Loki once.  Says if he sees him agian, I'd be the first to know.  

Same old story, same old gig.

Still at the Matriarch Talon point.  Just waiting on that grassy knoll for that little yellow dot to appear.

Will keep everyone posted.  

If you'd like to add info or updates feel free to post a common. Thanks :P

Greetings from a lonely hunter on Steamwheedle Cartel.


The Unposted Journal

First entry is a collection of the first few days I made. I'll update as I go from here. Enjoy :P



Started looking...20 minutes after someone had found and slaughtered my pretty little spirit beast.  Spent the entire night looking for Lo, fell asleep around 8:30am.  Eight hours after begining my search.  


I'm back at it now, camping the pretty kitty around the tower with the gorillas and the wasps.  No luck.  I haven't even seen him yet.  ...Well...alive at least.  For now I'm remaining here, staying put since I don't have a flying mount. Hopefully I'll catch him here at some point.  For the most part I've been having Lazriel camping the Shango area.  She's not seen anything except for other higher levels swooping down for a peek and to farm.  At this point I'm determined but I don't feel I'm going to get him until later in the morning, if at all today.

Also been shouting out:

Offering 400g reward to the first to help me find and tame Loque'Nahak.  Any info on times of death and locations is very helpful.  Thank you. :P

Four hours and fourty-five minutes later I'm still looking and trying to tame this spirit kitten.  No luck.  Haven't even seen her yet today.  Need to make food soon. Laz just headed out, now its only me looking round this one spot. No more shango snoopin at that spawn point.

Six hours...

10:26 PM

At it myself. In the wasp/gorrila camp again.  Last spawn that I know of was an hour from now last night. Crossing fingers.  It spawned in this spot...

No luck again. Search ending at 12:32am.  I just don't have it in me.  Javuu flew the zone the entire time I camped, still not a sight or word of the mysterious kitten.  Lil wench sure is ellusive.  She'll be mine though.



8:50 AM *Update*

I think my room mates probably think I'm as elusive as this kitty.  I haven't come out of this room in two days. I'm not camping this thing all day any more.  Takes the hell out of me.  At any rate...time to begin again for a little while this morning.

Side note: Talking over the phone to Javuu this morning I found out the Nelf hunter I was up against yesterday got him at the gorrilla spawn point last night.  Said he ran up on him and Loque was still named "Cat."  ....20 minutes after I gave up and went to bed. *sigh*

12:33 PM  *Update*

Not really sure if what Javuu said was fact considering when it's tamed the name goes to "Spirit Beast."   I might still be in luck.  Going with a new idea today, two actually.

1.) You don't find Loque, he finds you.

2.) Name him, and he will come.

I've settled on the name, Loki, after the trickster god of Norse Mythology.  Just seems to suit such an elusive kitten. Maybe Mr. Sexy for a nick name. >.<  So, spending my day in the north spawn point. I'm now waiting for that little yellow dot to apear. Since this is the least camped spot, if he spawns I have a damn good chance of getting the full tame.

Note to self:  If getting discouraged, look at pictures of Loki.  The visuals will make you want to get him even more.  I think I was starting to forget how awesome he really looked.  After looking again I've remembered he really is worth it.

...Though, no sign of him yet.

2:23 PM **Update**

Going into the next spawn time now, still no sight or word of him.  I'm feeling good though. I really feel like I might tame myself a kitty today if I just wait it out long enough.  I'm all smiles, relaxed, chatting a lot.  Just watching my map for a little yellow dot and waiting.  This meathod is much nicer and less taxing than the others.   Sure its not the most popular spawn point, but that's what makes it less camped.  

I see an Ally everyonce and a while.  They're usually pretty cool.  I wave, they wave.  One actually winked at me. Cheeky paladins. :P  So for now.  I wait...and just continue to watch for my kitty.  Hoping Loki finds me...

3:35 PM *Update*

Still no word or sightings.  *Sigh*  Still waiting, hopes still high today.

4:30 PM brings word of a kitty death.  I'm 90% sure the guy was bluffing since when I asked him for proof he promptly logged off claiming his mods weren't working.  Yeah right....  So I'm still here, still watching.  But that gives me some sort of time estimate...kinda.  Feels like something at least...  But like I said. Probably just a bluff. Only bothering thing is he had the time frame right... *double sigh*  ((Player name "Bloodforce"))

6:15 PM: *Update*

Still no word/sign of my pretty little Loki and still camping the most northern knoll near the Matriarch Bird. Does it ever end?  Do I ever get to tame my pretty little pet?  I keep thinking that in the future there's a Loki by my side.  I just don't know when.  I know he is there though.  Still have the feeling I'll end up taming him today/tonight.  But when is uncertain...  Lazriel at least has been camping the Shango spawn point all day for me.  We'll see how long she holds out.

This is starting to feel like a spiritual journey with how many times I keep saying "He doesn't spawn...he "finds" you..."

9:44 PM *Update*

Still no luck. Tamed Shango earlier just for a filler pet. Decided to name him "LokiCharm"  in the hopes that my newly dubbed "Loki" (Loque'nahak) would show.  Perhaps he'll take the bait and eventually come and find me.  One can only hope.  Some person offered 4k for him in channel...not going to win that battle. But if he spawns where I am I'll be golden.

On the other hand, some Dwarf lady showed up and showed off her pet collection to me which not only included Loque'nahak but the newest spirit kitty as well.  What a lucky wench!   She passed over several times, waving to me or running around me each time.  One time when she circled I'd run up to kill the GT Matriarch and she wound up /telling me from her Horde account asking if I'd gotten tame.  After I told her no luck she wished me the best in finding him and said she'd switch over to her Ally.  If she saw him she promised she'd fly back and /beckon me in whatever direction.  Nice gal, but I doubt the tatic will work.  All the better to have an Ally on my side. :P

Spirits haven't faultered, I'm not excited, but I'm not bummed out either.  My emotions are static...just waiting and hoping.  I mean come on, he's gotta spawn here eventually right? :P

10:28 PM **Update**

Nothing...  Reward in channel has gone up to 5k though.  I'm without a doubt beat in that regaurd. But I still have this spawn area.  Counting my blessings on that. Come on and find me Loki dear, I'm here waiting in vein.

Being the RP geek that I am, I'm viewing this as a right of passage. Only the most elite players get to play along side the fabled frosty kitten of the basin.  Only after you've waited long enough does he come to you, ready to make -you- his companion.  I mean hey, we all know that cats do what they want when they want. How is Loque-Loki any different? :P

Here kitty, kitty, kitty Loki...